Kankakee County Inmate Search
To find inmates who are in custody at Kankakee County jail, use Kankakee County inmate search.
Click 'Clear', select 'In Custody', then directly submit to see all current jail inmates.
Enter an inmate's name, subject number or booking number in the form and submit to search quickly.
Then click on the inmate name of a record to get inmate details like type, housing facility, bond amount, charge and offense date.
If you need help searching for inmates, please contact Kankakee County jail.
Kankakee County Jail
Jerome Combs Detention Center and Kankakee County Detention Center
Address: 3050 Justice Way, Kankakee, IL 60901
Phone: (815) 802-7200
Visitation: (815) 802-7272
County inmate search in Illinois