Kane County Inmate Search
To find inmates in Kane County jail, use Kane County inmate search.
Click on the 'In Custody' button to view current jail inmates.
To lookup quickly, you can search by alphabet, or enter an inmate's name in the form and submit.
Then click on the inmate name of a result to get inmate details like mugshot, detainee location, bail, charge and custody status.
If you need help searching for inmates, please contact Kane County jail.
Kane County Jail
Address: 37W755 Illinois Route 38, St. Charles, Illinois 60175
Adult Justice Center/Jail: (630) 232-6677
Adult Justice Center/Jail After Hours: (630) 208-2083
Visiting an inmate in Kane County Jail
The jail reception desk is located on the ground level of 37W755 Illinois Route 38 in St. Charles, Illinois, 60175.
All visits shall take place utilizing the Kane County Adult Justice Center's video visitation system.
Each Detainee is allowed one visiting group per week.
Each visiting group is thirty minutes in length.
Visiting hours & rules
Online Inmate Search